Assignment #11 – Final Essay Blog

   Oppression means cruel or unjust treatment that is prolonged. Violent resistance is when people resist oppressions by using violence and methods that will harm others, for example riots or destroying things. On the other hand Non- Violent resistance is to resist by using peaceful methods that won’t hurt others, for example a peaceful protest or even creating posters to express yourself. Agency is the ability to determine the outcome of one’s own life. Oppressed people should use Non- Violent resistance to gain agency because they will leave the oppressor on the spotlight and inveressed them to the point where they will want to make a change. Non- Violent resistance will help you gain agency because you are expressing yourself, you are taking your own decisions to not hurt no one and just hope there will be a change just like Cesar Chavez, Martin Luther King, and Malala Yousafzai did.

   To begin with, this document supports that oppressed people should use Non-violent resistance to gain agency because Cesar Chavez made a change for farm workers by using peaceful methods like boycotting, marching or even doing hunger strikes. This document is about Cesar Chavez and what he did to help farm workers from Texas, Arizona, California, and Florida. They talk about his methods and how he became part of the United Farm workers. This document is an article from the Internet called Cesar Chavez, it was written by the staff (A+E Networks) in the year 2009. The information in the document is trustworthy because they give us information about the writer, they give us a date, and they don’t favor one side they say the version of the farmers but also the farm owners. In the document it said that  “Stressing nonviolent methods, Chavez drew attention for his causes via boycotts, marches and hunger strikes. Despite conflicts with the Teamsters union and legal barriers, he was able to secure raises and improve conditions for farm workers”. This demonstrates that oppressed people should use non-violent resistance because it’s saying that using peaceful strategies like protests can really make a change but you just need to be positive and take the right decisions.

   To Continue, this document supports why people should use Non-violent resistance because even doe Malala was harmed by others her only way out of this oppression was to tell people her thoughts and not harm her oppressors. She believes that non-violent resistance is the key to resist. This document is about Malala a 16 year old girl that got shot by a group of people called The Taliban. This girl tells her story and tells people that she believes in non-violent resistance.She also says she has nothing against the people that harmed her. She just wants fair education for kids of the Taliban and all the terrorists. This document is a speech given by Malala Yousafzai to the United Nations General Assembly on July 12, 2013. The information is trustworthy because they give us who created this document, when it was created, and is a primary source because they are Malala’s own words. In the document it said that “And this is forgiveness that I have learned from my father and from my mother. This is what my soul is telling me be peaceful and love everyone”. This reveals that oppressed people should use Non-violent resistance because even doe people oppress you with violence you could always resist using non-violent resistance. Violence is not the key that only brings attention but peace and love make you see results.

   To Conclude, this document supports that oppressed people should use Non- Violent resistance to gain agency because Martin Luther King expressed his thoughts by saying that the most powerful weapon to resist is to use non- violent resistance since violent resistance is not the only way to resist. This document is talking about Martin Luther King thoughts and how people will use violent resistance like riots believing that that’s the only way out, but Martin Luther King believes that it’s better to face the oppression in a way we’re you can see results but that won’t hurt others. This document is part of a speech titled “The other America”. Dr Martin Luther King created this speech on Grosse Pointe High School on March 14, 1968. This information is trustworthy because it gives us who created this source and when it was written, it also has no reason to biased one side because the writer tells both sides of the story and not only one. In the document it said that “I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, non-violence as the most potent weapon in grappling with the problem from a direct action point of view”. This shows that people should use non-violent resistance because non- violent resistance is a power strong solution to resist that will help you be independent and make your own actions to make a change in this world.