SeeClickFix Blog #3



  • What are the different statuses on the posters, and what do each of them mean?

The different status are Open, Close, and Acknowledged. Close means they solved the problem I think , Open means that they are analyzing the problem and seeing if the City of Oakland can do something to fix this problem , and Acknowledge means that the City of Oakland is looking at the problem to see if they can do something to change this problem.

  • Describe what you did (or what you were supposed to do) to find out if the issue you submitted to SeeClickFix was fixed.

What we had to do to find the status of our issue was to go to , sign in into our accounts, tap the right corner with the little person on the right, then go to my content, after you were in my content you type down the name of the issue you reported and finally you will find the status of your issue you reported.

  • What changes do you notice from the April 13th posters to the April 27th posters?

I noticed that in April 13th many of the problems people had reported were marked as Open and there was actually a few issues that were marked as Acknowledge but then we seen a huge dramatic change on April 27th because many of the problems were being Acknowledge and some were even close.

  • Do you think there are any types of issues SeeClickFix is better at getting fixed than others?  Why do you think that?

I actually do think that SeeClickFix is better at getting some problems fixed than others because they might focus on the problems that really need to get fixed or that are easy to fix like Illegal dumping of trash, or maybe even sidewalk damage because those things really need a change. I also feel like SeeClickFix has many issue to fix so they try to fix the issues that have votes on them because they see that people really want that issue to be fix.

  • If an issue someone reported did not get fixed, what is something they might try next?

If an issue someone reported did not get fixed next time they should try to be more specific about their problem and maybe give more details about the problem. I also think that maybe choosing a different category to report a problem in because maybe some issues are more important than others so maybe choose an issue that you know will get fix.

  • Do you think people who report issues to SeeClickFix are able to gain agency?  Explain your answer.

I think that people who report issues to SeeClickFix are able to gain agency because they are making their own decisions by reporting issues that will benefit them later on because they are helping their community by making a change and resisting to a problem.I feel like this will will help people gain agency in so many ways.



SeeClickFix Blog #2



  • Describe how the 9th grade students are tracking the progress of the issue we reported using sticky notes and posters.  What do each posters mean?

The 9th grade students are tracking the progress of the issue by logging in into their SeeClickFix account and using a sticky note to see if their issue is Open or Acknowledge.Every time we logging into our accounts the issue changes they might be working on fixing the problem or they might be seeing what they could do to solve this problem.We have three posters one that says open the other one that says Acknowledge and the other one says Close.In these posters we each put our sticky note were our problem belongs in.Open means that they are trying to see what they can do to solve a problem and Acknowledge means they are trying to fix the problem.Close means that the problem is close so they won’t do nothing about this problem.This method of tracking our process really helps because we could see if they fix our problem or not.

  • What did you learn about the status of the issue you reported to SeeClickFix? Did it change (If so, how)?  Did your issue’s status stay the same? Explain your answer.

I learned that my problem was first on open and then on Acknowledge so that surprised me a lot because I wasn’t expecting that, I thought it will take a long time but it didn’t.I learned that my issue was a little concerning so they tried to fix it as soon as possible.I also think they changed my issue to acknowledge because they didn’t want no accidents to happen.


Describe the response you got about the issue you reported.  What was the message you received? Who sent you that message?


The response I got when I reported my issue was that the City of Oakland call center had received my issue and they gave me another ID number so I could check the status of the problem I reported.The persons that sent me the message where the persons from The City of Oakland Call Center (It was like an official) .


Did any patterns emerge on the poster about which issues are resolved, and which are not?  Explain your answer.


I feel like the patterns that I seen on the poster were that the issues they reported were almost similar, and at first their status were Open and then they changed to Acknowledge but some went to Close really fast after some minutes.I also noticed that the City of Oakland Call Center will first take accion on the issues that are worse than others.

*Is the SeeClickFix project an example of Violent or Non-Violent resistance to oppression?  Explain your answer.

I feel like the SeeClickFix project is an example of Non-violent resistance because we are using our voice to fix an issue that is concerning us. We are not hurting no one we are just using our experiences and our voice.Violent resistance is to destroy things and use violence to get a problem solved and we are not doing that we are peacefully reporting a problem hoping the City of Oakland will do something about it.

  • Do you think SeeClickFix can help to solve problems in Oakland?  Explain why or why not.

In my opinion I think SeeClickFix can solve some problems in Oakland but not others.I think that the problems SeeClickFix could fix are illegal dumping of trash, street damage,or even graffiti but SeeClickFix can’t solve other huge problems that we have here in Oakland like gun violence or any violence in general because there’s nothing they could do about that.I feel like SeeClickFix only does something about the small problems but not the other big problems we have.



Seeclickfix Blog #1


  • In your own words describe what the company called SEECLICKFIX does for people living in Oakland.

The company SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland have a voice and help people make changes that they want to see for example fix street problems like pots in sidewalks and other problems like that.

  • Do you think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland to resist oppression?  Explain why, or why not. 

I actually do think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland resist oppression because if they keep reporting a problem and the problem keeps on happening then people will continue to report this problem.It doesn’t matter if they keep on reporting the problem that’s a form of resistance because they are not giving up on this problem until people in power do something about this and make a change.People reporting a problem is actually a good form of resistance because they are not harming no one and they are just using this website to actually just report a problem and do something to make a change.

  • Explain the story of how you took your picture for the SEECLICKFIX project (Describe what you took a picture of, when you took it, where you were, how, and why).

I took a picture of the street like cut open in the middle of the 38th street in front of the house 1553 38th Ave Oakland CA 94601.I was walking with one of my friends to school and well we were talking about how Spring brake was in a few weeks and suddenly I almost tripped and my friend was like “be careful”.We were in front of a friends house and then I looked down and I seen the street was damaged and I suddenly remembered I had to take a picture for the SEECLICKFIX project, So I took my phone out and I took the picture.I wrote down the address of where I was I looked around and I noticed there was a tree in front of where the street damage was. I wrote down all the details of the damage and of the surroundings.

  • What did you do in class to join SEECLICKFIX on their website?  Describe the steps you took.

In class we did an account in SEECLICKFIX we were ask to fill up some information like write our full name, our school email, and also create a password.Then when we had all our information we were asked if we were Citizens or officials and obviously we had to choose Citizens.The next step was to go to our school email and confirm our email so that our account was made.These were actually all the steps we made to create an account with SEECLICKFIX

  • What did you do in class to report an issue to SEECLICKFIX? DON’T FORGET TO SHARE YOUR ISSUE ID NUMBER!  Describe the steps you took.

In class we logged in into our SEECLICKFIX account and then we had to find the location of where the problem was. When we found the location then we were asked certain questions depending on the issue we reported.We were also asked to describe the issue and how did it looked. After describing the problem we had to upload a picture of our problem and also choose if we wanted our problem to show as anonymous or if we wanted people to see our name. When all of this was done our problem was finally reported and they gave us an Issue ID number to check our issue.Depending on the issue they gave us different status like Acknowledge or Open.These were just the steps to report a problem.My Issue ID number is 4280887.

  • Do you predict that the City of Oakland will fix the problem you reported?  Explain why, or why not.

In my opinion part of me says the City of Oakland will fix the problem but the other part of me says no because the City of Oakland has other problems to fix not only my problem so they will probably give priority to the issues that are worse than mine.I say they will fix my problem because people could actually trip and fall because the street is really damaged so for that part I do believe they will fix my problem.I feel like there’s a 50 50 chance that my problem will get fix.

Assignment #9 -Oppression Essay


Oppressed people means people that are treated cruelly or unfair for a long period of time. Systems of oppression means the way of doing something to hurt someone else for your own benefit. Levels of oppression means different ways people are treated cruelly in this case there’s three levels of oppression. The three levels of oppression are Institutional oppression, Internalized oppression, and Interpersonal oppression. The different ways oppressed people experience the different systems and levels of oppression is by oppressed people believing the negative narrative about themselves, and people with power using force and their power to take unfair advantage of those who have no power.



First of all, oppressed people experience Institutional Oppression and Political Systems because people in power have the authority to make decisions for the oppressed people, and also have the power to decide what oppressed people need to do as a punishment for breaking a school rule. There’s a document that I read that said some schools have a process called School to Prison Pipeline. This process is something that schools made that makes young kids be put out of schools and have kids be in contact with the law enforcement, So that after the law enforcement can put students into juvenile for just breaking a simple rule at school. The school’s take this process seriously that they don’t give students a warning or a second chance when they break a rule, this process could also affect kids records. This document is a quote from a website article called Understanding the School-To-Prison-Pipeline found in The document was created by Nicki Lisa Cole Ph D on April 25, 2017. In this document it said that “Once they are in contact with law enforcement for disciplinary reasons, many are then pushed out of the educational environment and into the juvenile and criminal justice systems” . This demonstrates how oppressed people experience Internalized Oppression and Political System  because schools are taking unfair advantage of students by making them believe that they have no power. Oppressed people in this case students believe they can’t do nothing because people in power use all their force and authority to punish people for just breaking a simple rule, and that’s not fair because students also have rights.



To continue, Oppressed people experience Interpersonal and Internalized  Oppression because people in power make oppressed people believe the negative narratives about themselves, So that’s why people in power take advantage of oppressed people and treat them as if they were nothing.There’s a document that I read that said terrorist will attack Afghan girls by throwing acids at girls face and throwing grenades at schools that gave Afghan girls an education. Terrorist did this because they didn’t want Afghan girls to be educated and know that terrorist were taking advantage of these girls. This document is a website article called “Acid attacks, poison: What Afghan girls risk by going to school” found in The document was created by Allie Torgan on March 17, 2016. In this document it said that “In their eyes, a women is an object that they can control. They are scared that when these girls get an education, they will become aware of their rights as a women” . This shows how oppressed people experience Internalized and Interpersonal Oppression because it’s showing us how terrorists  will make Afghan girls believe they have no power and no rights, So they will try to take unfair advantage of the Afghan girls since they don’t know they also have the same rights as the terrorists.